Saturday, August 3, 2013

Paid Social Media Jobs: Top 3 Lessons You May Want to Learn

Paid social media jobs have risen to fame following the Internet craze called Facebook and Twitter: the very two giants that put social media in the map. Others followed suit with a different take on the method of sharing personal moments via the web (Instagram) and has gained a loyal following from the original audience of the two huge social media sites.

The past few years in the online retail marketing focused on big-named brands setting up their virtual stores for accessibility to their respective clients. This was a major shift in the way the ultimate consumer acquires their goods. Since then, a plethora of work from home online jobs that require the magic of the Internet has also flourished.

But that was, as fashion would say, last season. The "in" thing that has crawled its way to the top of the distinctive work from home job niche has its new face: paid social media jobs.
Paid social media reviews are found vastly elsewhere, and some may look shady, so you may want to be careful and vigilant to what you let your brain believe.

But there are sure fire ways to excel in this growing field, and we list the top steps on becoming the next big star in paid social media marketing. Also presented in this article are what-to’s and what-not’s in exercising the power of paid social media marketing.

Update Regularly
As with blogs and business sites, a regular update on paid social media posts is important. Social media managers take care of this. This makes your customers feel that your brand is dynamic. Also, it keeps them up to date with your newest product offerings and informs them with those products that they have been missing out on.
WHAT-TO: Make your updates creative. Harness the use of subtle marketing. It is very effective when consumers hear great product reviews from their friends. Remember: social media is now the new word-of-mouth.
WHAT-NOT: Don’t flood updates. Once every three days should be enough. Don’t be that brand that constantly pops on the timeline of your consumers. And please don’t use blatant salesman marketing. Chances are your posts will be skipped by your readers, or worse, you’ll be classified as spam.

Organize Your Posts to Your Clients' Needs
Streamlining your updates to the activities of your consumers is a crucial part of paid social media managing. This ensures that your consumers perceive you as a brand that helps them with their needs and not just another snotty brand out there whose primary goal is sales.
WHAT-TO: Reply politely to replies and comments in a professional manner. The company should sound formal even in the social media setting. This is imperative for your consumers to perceive. And you could throw in a gentle hint of personal touches within and make your followers feel special.
WHAT-NOT: Do not respond to bashers. It’s a definite no-no. No matter how disrespectful your followers can be, do not stoop down to them. That’s what they are waiting for you to do.

Interconnect Your Social Media Accounts
Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, all these social media should hold the same content, the same post, and the same references. This ensures that you are perceived as a hip, trendy brand. Consistency is key.
WHAT-TO: Provide links and media. Humans are visual animals. They perceive through their eyes. What they see prompts what they feel. Now, do the math.

WHAT-NOT:Don’t do controversial, politically-driven commentary posts. You’ll set yourself up to suicide.